
How to choose a digital experience monitoring solution

How does Forrester define the DEM space and what should you be looking for in a DEM tool, according to the experts? Get exclusive insight into how Forrester views the DEM space. Guest speaker Rich Lane investigated what makes a good DEM tool from a technical standpoint. This was an exciting session with Forrester’s leading DEM analyst and a must view for any IT leader thinking about their WFA strategy in a post-COVID world.

About Rich Lane

Rich Lane is Senior Analyst serving Infrastructure and Operations at Forrester. Rich’s expertise focuses on operations intelligence, including advanced analytics, machine learning, and AI-related techniques for enterprise, application, infrastructure, and services performance monitoring and management, service delivery, and business insights. He has a passion for how automation and machine learning can free I&O practitioners from traditional maintenance and incident management activities, so they can spend their time making IT services more valuable for the business. Rich joins us to give you an exclusive first-look at Forrester’s definition of the digital experience monitoring (DEM) market. How does Forrester approach DEM? Where does it fit into the WFA enterprise tech stack? And how do you choose the right one? All will be answered in Rich’s session.

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